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On 2009/03/22 3:59 PM, Mike Raley wrote:
> Is this something where a local Co-op model might be an efficient way to go? 

Find some friends to go Dutch on a used box (with some new HDs) and
colocation fees at a local shop, then carve it up with [Xen|Virtual
Box|etc.] into VPSes. I recommend ClearBearing[1]. Note: I used to own a
significant chunk of ClearBearing, so I'm biased in that way, but that
also means I know a little about the business. To wit:

1) They actually do have their own datacenter in Burlington.

On 2009/03/22 4:17 PM, Bradley Holt wrote:
> Data centers are massive energy hogs and I would imagine that there's
> a certain level of energy efficiency in bigger data centers vs. small,
> local, colos. I'd make the argument your making much less of an impact
> on resource usage by going with a bigger data center.

2) The converse of that holds true: Subscribing to a smaller, local
datacenter's services helps to reduce any such inefficiencies. Read:
Using a larger, consolidated datacenter in hopes of making a "greener"
choice nigh-on guarantees that local datacenters will never achieve
"green" levels of efficiency. Yes, adding a box increases their power
consumption slightly, but that's minuscule compared to the energy used
for cooling. Until they run out of physical space (and need to increase
square footage and, thereby, cooling), GMA's and CB's datacenters only
get more efficient with every physical host added.

> Keep in mind that most "local" hosting providers are simply reselling
> a non-local service.

3) See #1, above. ;-) (Last I knew, however, they'd also resell some
out-of-state colo services to you, if that's your preference.)

FWIW, some buddies and I just procured a used HP rack server with 2 x
2.8GHz Opterons with 4GB and a 160GB HD for under $200.00. With a few
extra bucks, it now has RAID1 and 8GB of RAM, and is about to play host
to six Xen domUs, which it thusfar handles with aplomb. And when it's
time to increase storage capacity, it won't be something that requires
the sort of complex, delicate dance you'd have to do if physical access
to the box is prohibitively-costly: I'll just drive a few new HDs down
to ClearBearing, and bribe the doorwarden with the appropriate malted


- -sth

[1] http://www.clearbearing.com

sam hooker|s...@noiseplant.com|http://www.noiseplant.com

I have received the love Internet dispatch.

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