Hi Peter,

Thank you for sharing your DGTG info with us.

Early after the breakup between Defkalion and Rossi, Xanthoulis said he had re-engineered Rossi's core and made many improvements, overcoming the issues Rossi had (at that time) in controlling his reaction.

I know this must be a very sensitive subject (which is why I say re-engineered, not reverse engineered, and not copied -- and, honestly, I have not taken any position in that argument yet; one day we may find out what happened), but I am asking anyway:

Should we see the use of a spark plug in the design as a DGTG improvement over Rossi's? Or do you have reason to believe Rossi pulses his reactor core in a similar way, and does Defkalion just have better understanding of, or control over, the 'spark protocol' (when and how to spark)?

[ we did see a frequency generator in earlier Rossi photo's. At the time many were thinking this was for generating RF frequencies, but maybe it was generating much lower frequencies to pulse or spark his core. I can imagine that Rossi initially had a fixed frequency using a lab frequency generator, and that Defkalion, with a handful of more electronics or computer savvy engineers, managed to come up with a better controlled, dynamic way of sparking. It is also probable that Rossi, using help from National Instruments and later Siemens, followed the same path, which may be one of the reasons he has better control over the reaction now. ]

To make a long question short: is the spark plug (or other pulsing) the (main) catalyst both Rossi and DGTG have been talking about?


On 07/16/2012 04:12 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

Being a great concern to me, the people and/or organizations that have discovered LENR+ would hold that technology off the market who knows for what reasons. For LENR to develop properly, this important technology needs visibility, credibility, competition, and acceptance in the marketplace.

DGTG is important because they seem to be willing to take the next big step in the history of this technology and let the world see their product. The competitors of DGTG will be forced to show their hand if they want to participate in the new LENR marketplace.

When that time comes, all the talking will be over and the next steps will begin.

Let us hope that a prototype at least will be demonstrated in the near future.

Cheers:   Axil

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com <mailto:peter.gl...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    My dear friends,

    I have just published:


    This action of publishing will continue and we will get fine
    realistic answers to questions that have
    obsessed us for long years.
    It will last a bit longer to get rid of fuels that are natural,
    but not good at all.

-- Dr. Peter Gluck
    Cluj, Romania

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