about danger I notice in wikipedia the following facts for 30-500keV

"The most biological damaging forms of gamma radiation occur in the gamma
between 3 and 10 MeV", so we are ut of the worst danger zone

The photoelectric effect is the dominant energy transfer mechanism for
X-ray and gamma ray photons with energies below 50 keV (thousand electron
volts <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronvolt>), but it is much less
important at higher energies.

Compton scattering is thought to be the principal absorption mechanism for
gamma rays in the intermediate energy range 100
keV<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronvolt>to 10 MeV.
Compton scattering is relatively independent of the atomic
number<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_number>of the absorbing
material, which is why very dense materials like lead are
only modestly better shields, on a *per weight* basis, than are less dense

*Pair production*: This becomes possible with gamma energies exceeding 1.02

if you look at aluminium absorption coef/cm
since DGT claims are 3*10^4 to 5*10^5
the absorption is about 10% to 3%/mm (the %/cm are misguiding) of alluminium

so, the dangerosity of those radiation is comparatively low, and any
material is equivalent.

the ecomass shield amide 0.3cm 6.9g/cm3, as told in spec mathe:
*Ecomass Compound 1002ZB92 * [image:
TDS]<http://www.ecomass.com/pdf/TDS1002ZB92.pdf> [image:
MSDS] <http://www.ecomass.com/pdf/MSDS1002ZB92.pdf>
Filled PEBA, 6.9 g/cc, for radiation shielding applications, good
toughness, rigid, injection molding grade

it is 2,5 times more heavy than aluminum, so the 3mm should block like
7,5mm of Al, thus divide by 2 (for 30kev), to 1.25(for 30kev) the passing
gamma... look symbolic.

In fact I suspect that the reactor core (Steel, look like 1-2cm, 7.9g/cm3
higher than ecomass, thus ) will have more impact, and making it thicker
will be more efficient since the thickness will weight less near the core
(geometry). should divide by 3 to 1.4 per cm.

note also that 10cm of wall will be more important.

anyway the radiation seems without any danger, and mostly when starting.
dose should be ridiculous compared to usual risk (your wife, bananas, sky,
wall, ground).
maybe it will be forbidden to put the reactor bare under your bed, just in
case (ALARA precaution).

2012/7/18 <mix...@bigpond.com>

> In reply to  Peter Gluck's message of Mon, 16 Jul 2012 22:39:41 +0300:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >The team is working very hard on this and they will publih the data soon.
> I
> >have noticed your wish and will try to let you know at least the "spirit"
> >of the results- they say about the first real theory.
> >Peter
> >>
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2012/07/some-basic-principles-of-defkalions.html
> Quote:-
> "Radiation measurements:The experimental situation is excellent: no
> dangerous
> radiation!
> However, there is some radiation emitted. I have seen a lot of measurements
> performed both with NaI spectrometer and Geiger Muller counter and all
> confirm
> that a somewhat higher level appears only at triggering. The gammas have a
> relatively low energy, 50-300 keV. The maximum levels are under those
> internationally admissible. Is this a proof that the W-L mechanism (gammas
> converted to IR photons - is true and at work? We will see it soon."
> For me, 50-300 keV says:-  bremsstrahlung.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/project.html

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