On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 5:46 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This action of publishing will continue and we will get fine realistic
> answers to questions that have
> obsessed us for long years.
> It will last a bit longer to get rid of fuels that are natural, but not
> good at all.

Peter, thank you for the interesting update from Defkalion.

Others have noted some anomalies in your writeup.  One is that the "gammas"
are said to be in the electron-volt range at one point.  In another
instance you say that the gammas are thermalized into the IR range, which
is more in the sub-electron volt range.  One detail you mentioned is that
the hydrogen is transformed into a "more neutral" form.  I think Widom and
Larsen talk about the proton becoming a neutron proper, which is
fully neutral.  US patent 7,983,414 pertains to cryptography:

What steps have you taken to verify the accuracy of the details as you
heard them and to independently verify them?  Is your writeup based
primarily on your trust of your contacts at DGT?


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