To me, the width/continuity of the dark lines seems much more consistent
then the light colored areas so I would say the dark areas are wires

On Saturday, October 11, 2014, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> At 09:02 AM 10/11/2014, Axil Axil wrote:
>> The two pictures on page 25 of the 54 page report can be zoomed to a high
>> resolution by using the control key of your keyboard and the wheel on your
>> mouse if you are using a new windows computer running with high screen
>> resolution.
> I zoomed and did screen captures :
> It's impossible to tell whether the heater coils are dark or light.
> In the last hotcat test the heater coils themselves were a tight spiral
> which was then strung  lengthways : now it appears to be a tight spiral
> coiled as loose spirals down the tube.
> I think that there is most likely a ceramic insert holding these
> resistors, so the "shadows" could represent different thermal zones rather
> than being illuminated/shadowed.
> But I'm just guessing. Too little information to proceed.

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