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Monday, September 26, 2016, 12:27:33 PM, you wrote:

SJ> As a long time user and ongoing user of Platypus I agree with what Justin 
is saying.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> Their team has always been responsive and willing to help us
SJ> out on modules or support for any part of it.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> They got me up and running on my new stuff for a very good price.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> And they update often, so that column item needs to change.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> I do wish they would invest some major resources into a total
SJ> client/app/web end redo though.

SJ> It would be extremely painful to implement, but Plat is
SJ> really the SQL database at heart with runtime modules running
SJ> things.

SJ> So it would be POSSIBLE to redo the ᅵfrontᅵ end of those things.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> From: Af []On Behalf Of Justin Thornton
SJ> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 10:04 AM
SJ> To:
SJ> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Billing system survey rehash

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> I take some issue with this characterization of Platypus.ᅵ
SJ> While we have never been the flashiest or anywhere close to the
SJ> best at marketing, Platypus has long been on a consistent
SJ> development schedule with multiple releases each year.ᅵ We have
SJ> also taken pride in the flexibility of Platypus and how it can
SJ> bend to work with whatever tools our customers prefer and are
SJ> already familiar with, and how the billing results can be
SJ> manipulated to provide most any results they desire.ᅵ So when a
SJ> customer comes to us asking about CDR billing, integrating with
SJ> monitoring tools, communicating with Sandvine, provisioning LTE,
SJ> adding line items from Dish, DirecTv, SiriusXM, etc. for a unified
SJ> statement or whatever it might be, we don't typically need to add
SJ> a new feature and release a new version.ᅵ We just point the
SJ> customer to where their request can fit into our existing
SJ> architecture and assist them with the configuration.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> All of the billing platforms who operate in this space have
SJ> their strengths and weaknesses and none of us are the right
SJ> solution for everyone, but Platypus is still actively under
SJ> development and here to serve those who are a good fit for us.ᅵ I
SJ> just don't want their to be any confusion over that.

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> Justin Thornton

SJ> Platypus ISP Billing

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 4:38 PM, Ivan Kohler
SJ> <> wrote:

SJ> On 09/16/2016 06:01 AM, Simon Westlake wrote:

SJ> There's a couple of others that are mostly billing focused
SJ> (BillMax, Freeside) that are probably similar in functionality to
SJ> Platypus (although, I will confess, I am not intimately familiar
SJ> with them, so they could have some differences.)

SJ> ᅵ

SJ> Sorry to be late to the party.

SJ> Simon, I would respectfully say that your characterization of
SJ> Freeside as "billing focused" or similar to Platypus/Billmax
SJ> rather than a full platform is incorrect.ᅵ We're very much a
SJ> complete platform (for example, with all of the 7 modules you list
SJ> in your blog targeting Sonar's 1.0 release).ᅵ Vlad, thanks very
SJ> much for the kind words - we're happy to have you as part of our
SJ> community as both a user and contributor to the codebase.

SJ> FWIW, I did some research and put together a chart with all 9
SJ> (nine!) billing vendors that are WISPA members.ᅵ Of course I
SJ> cannot help but be biased, so take it with an appropriate amount
SJ> of salt, but I was going for "useful information" rather than
SJ> "useless marketing spin".ᅵ Hope it helps!

SJ> Simon, Cameron, and anyone else, your comments/input are more than welcome.

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