Do you intend to support Cambium Sync on the 12-port DIN as well? That would be pretty cool. Looking forward to both products. For now I guess I can stack another 4-port PowerInjector and get what I need.

On 4/12/2017 5:50 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
Well, I'm off to bed, looks like I've finally got the pieces all wired to test signal through the ethernet magnetics... got to write the test procedure tomorrow.

This test equipment has (and will probably continue to be for a bit more) been a bit of a challenge as it's sort of an erector set - I've got all of the pieces I need to build the automatic test equipment I need (signal generators, oscilloscopes with pass/fail, relay switching, etc), but both wiring and how to actually program it for testing is left as an exercise for the reader. I'm pretty certain I'm at the stage where I can actually start to write test procedures, with (almost) all the wiring done - I'm just missing a few cables which should be here in the next couple of days.

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 3:40 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) < <>> wrote:

    We're in the process of getting the manufacturing side of things
    up to speed.  The product is for all intents and purposes done and
    we could make and ship untested products at this point, as
    everything is ready to go, except for testing and a couple of
    non-critical remaining software items.  The automatic test
    equipment we're putting in place to test and calibrate these is
    turning out to be a bit more complex than we had hoped, and I
    don't want to ship these without adequate testing.  I've been
    putting in 16 hour days trying to get this completed, but it seems
    that it's fighting me every step of the way.   I've told people
    that the expected date is the end of this month. I'm still hopeful
    we'll make this, as things seem to be progressing much more
    quickly with the test equipment than it was a week ago.   But it
    also wouldn't surprise me if it's a week or two late.

    The only thing we've really got holding things up is getting this
    test equipment running and doing final calibration integration in
    the software.   The calibration process generates a calibration
    file which ends up permanently in the device and the software to
    read this isn't done, mainly because we don't have a sample
    calibration file yet.

    The 12 port DIN is likely going to be a while....  maybe fall at
    this point.  You can thank medusa for that at this point, as I've
    got to finish up the medusa-compatible sync over power product(s)

    On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 7:57 PM, George Skorup
    < <>> wrote:

        So... when is the RackInjector supposed to start shipping? Got
        a site with an 8-port injector and a SyncInjector and now need
        to add a couple more APs. So might as well replace it all with
        a RackInjector and gain a couple ports in the process. It's
        the towers that you never expected to have 15+ radios.

        And 12-port DIN PowerInjector+Sync? Got more smaller sites to
        upgrade too this spring and would be handy to have.

-- *Forrest Christian* /CEO//, PacketFlux Technologies, Inc./
    Tel: 406-449-3345 | Address: 3577 Countryside Road, Helena, MT 59602 <> | <>
    <> <>

*Forrest Christian* /CEO//, PacketFlux Technologies, Inc./
Tel: 406-449-3345 | Address: 3577 Countryside Road, Helena, MT 59602 <> | <> <> <> <>

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