I have no problem using 48v, though I don't think they always came with 48v 
PoEs. I could be mistaken. 

Your situations are pretty close. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Steve Jones" <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> 
To: af@afmug.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 8:41:56 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] new PacketFlux injectors 

Cambium was at least open about the fact that with EPMP they used a lower 
quality set of components to keep the costs down. Look at all the non public 
communication with them regarding running these bastards in cold weather until 
they finally came out and said "hey, we used cheap components to give you cheap 
gear, 24 volts just wont cut it" 

If they would take the same approach in dealing with consumer issues that the 
two little guys referenced do, they would stomp UBNT back into the rat pit they 

Its not that Cambium doesnt work with people, they absolutely do, but not until 
theyre called out in public (still better than UBNT who requires you to be 
insulted and abused by their garbage fanboys in the forum before they will 
consider looking at your issue). 

heres how the cold weather issues of EPMP would have gone down with either 
packetflux or mctech 

user1: my gear is losing gps sync when its cold 
user2: i have an AP that I rebooted that wont come up (december 3) 
Good vendor: thats odd, do you have some more detail 
user 1 or 2: yeah, its freaking cold 
good vendors: odd, that shouldnt happen, can we ship you some replacement gear 
and you send us back the problematic units 
user 1 or 2: um, its rather inconvienient, but i do have down customers, so yes 
good vendors: cool beans 
a lil while later 
good vendors: hey public customer base, turns out we fucked up, heres what 
happenned, heres a workaround, revision x will come out with a fix, if the 
workaround isnt sufficient, let us know, we will square up. 

same issue with ubnt 

user1: my gear is losing gps sync when its cold 
user2: i have an AP that I rebooted that wont come up (december 3) 
ubnt: ....... 

user1: my gear is losing gps sync when its cold 
user2: i have an AP that I rebooted that wont come up (december 3) 
ubnt: ....... 
ubnt forum: jesus said to fuck off, ubnt is godly 
users at forum: yeah but.. I have down customers 
ubnt forum: if you cant make the gear work then youre a douchebag and your kids 
are goonie little tools, you suck, your family sucks, your town sucks.. you are 
a loser 
users at forum: well that escalated quickly 
3 months later 
ubnt" new FW, relase notes... fix to cold weather issue.... broke 73 other 

same issue with cambium 

user1: my gear is losing gps sync when its cold 
user2: i have an AP that I rebooted that wont come up (december 3) 
cambium: no its not 
cambium in direct consumer communication: we see this issue, can you provide 
the serial numbers or mac addresses 
cambium public: no issue 
two months later 

user1: my gear is losing gps sync when its cold 
user2: i have an AP that I rebooted that wont come up (december 3) 
cambium: no its not 
cambium in direct consumer communication: we found the root cause 
cambium in public: no issue 
2 months later 
cambium: hew we fixed the issue... but it doesnt matter, here, look at our new 
gear, its way better 
cambium public release product release 2.0... better gooder greater..... (oh 
yeah, product 1.0, we knew it failed in the cold, we kinda fixed it, but it 
doesnt matter, we are on 2.0 now, so.. see that chair over there? the chair 
with the issue on it? yeah, thats your chair, not my chair, not my problem) 

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 8:05 PM, < ch...@wbmfg.com > wrote: 

Older GigE surge suppressors would cause them to run at 100 Mbps. Easy to just 
bypass them with a cat5 coupler to see if they are causing the problem. Also, 
ground problems will cause this. 

We have had more problems with epmp than any other product with issues like 

From: Steve Jones 
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 5:36 PM 
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] new PacketFlux injectors 

This is off topic, but semi related. I very much appreciate the vendors here, 
Packetflux and Mccown tech in particular. 

We recently paid a fairly substantial amount to have a contractor build out a 
site. Tho of the EPMP fed from powerinjectors are flapping ports. Theyre both 
going through Gigeapc cards. 

there was an issue with the contractor and scheduling, got us a free day of 
labor, cant complain. then there was an issue with a northwest radio showing up 

the flapping on top of the scheduling and the questionable direction of the 
hang would have resulted in an end to a relationship 

but knowing I preprogrammed the units, it could be that i flipped two of the 
configs, but flapping ports and the scheduling issue alone would cost most 
contractors the benefit of the doubt. 

but there is honesty among vendors, the two mentioned in particular. I may 
still fire the guys, but I know there is a known issue, so it buys them a break 
til I get up and verify. 

Neither vendor when this was brought up dismissed it like many bigger vendors 
would. Not naming names, (cambium, ubnt, last mile gear) but alot of vendors 
make you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your issues are their problem. 
Both packetflux and mccowntech basically say "get this equipment on our bench 
so we can see if there is a problem". thats important on a WISP budget. 

A side effect of companies who under rug their problems is the loss of tertiary 
relationships that in the long term could benefit a company, like contractors 
doing site builds for a high price, that overall is less than a full time on 
staff crew. 

Im might be a prick, but I do appreciate this openness from these two, and many 
of the others who lurk in this list 

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 5:54 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) < 
li...@packetflux.com > wrote: 


That's part of the reason that's going to go later. 

In my mind, there needs to be a small-form-factor version of the cambium sync 
version for 450i/450m. I also need to consider whether or not to embed the 
web-based controller in the unit or not, or offer both versions. After we get 
the rackmount out and the cambium sync card for the rackmount controller out, 
we will take some time to look at what needs to be in our 'small enclosure' 
product. I'm pretty sure that a lot of the larger sites will simply move to the 
rackmount version. With these out of the way then we can look more closely at 
how people build small sites and make sure this product fits that space well. 

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:07 PM, George Skorup < george.sko...@cbcast.com > 


Do you intend to support Cambium Sync on the 12-port DIN as well? That would be 
pretty cool. Looking forward to both products. For now I guess I can stack 
another 4-port PowerInjector and get what I need. 

On 4/12/2017 5:50 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote: 


Well, I'm off to bed, looks like I've finally got the pieces all wired to test 
signal through the ethernet magnetics... got to write the test procedure 

This test equipment has (and will probably continue to be for a bit more) been 
a bit of a challenge as it's sort of an erector set - I've got all of the 
pieces I need to build the automatic test equipment I need (signal generators, 
oscilloscopes with pass/fail, relay switching, etc), but both wiring and how to 
actually program it for testing is left as an exercise for the reader. I'm 
pretty certain I'm at the stage where I can actually start to write test 
procedures, with (almost) all the wiring done - I'm just missing a few cables 
which should be here in the next couple of days. 

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 3:40 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) < 
li...@packetflux.com > wrote: 


We're in the process of getting the manufacturing side of things up to speed. 
The product is for all intents and purposes done and we could make and ship 
untested products at this point, as everything is ready to go, except for 
testing and a couple of non-critical remaining software items. The automatic 
test equipment we're putting in place to test and calibrate these is turning 
out to be a bit more complex than we had hoped, and I don't want to ship these 
without adequate testing. I've been putting in 16 hour days trying to get this 
completed, but it seems that it's fighting me every step of the way. I've told 
people that the expected date is the end of this month. I'm still hopeful we'll 
make this, as things seem to be progressing much more quickly with the test 
equipment than it was a week ago. But it also wouldn't surprise me if it's a 
week or two late. 

The only thing we've really got holding things up is getting this test 
equipment running and doing final calibration integration in the software. The 
calibration process generates a calibration file which ends up permanently in 
the device and the software to read this isn't done, mainly because we don't 
have a sample calibration file yet. 

The 12 port DIN is likely going to be a while.... maybe fall at this point. You 
can thank medusa for that at this point, as I've got to finish up the 
medusa-compatible sync over power product(s) first... 

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 7:57 PM, George Skorup < george.sko...@cbcast.com > 

So... when is the RackInjector supposed to start shipping? Got a site with an 
8-port injector and a SyncInjector and now need to add a couple more APs. So 
might as well replace it all with a RackInjector and gain a couple ports in the 
process. It's the towers that you never expected to have 15+ radios. 

And 12-port DIN PowerInjector+Sync? Got more smaller sites to upgrade too this 
spring and would be handy to have. 


        Forrest Christian CEO , PacketFlux Technologies, Inc. 

Tel: 406-449-3345 | Address: 3577 Countryside Road, Helena, MT 59602 
forre...@imach.com | http://www.packetflux.com 



        Forrest Christian CEO , PacketFlux Technologies, Inc. 

Tel: 406-449-3345 | Address: 3577 Countryside Road, Helena, MT 59602 
forre...@imach.com | http://www.packetflux.com 




        Forrest Christian CEO , PacketFlux Technologies, Inc. 

Tel: 406-449-3345 | Address: 3577 Countryside Road, Helena, MT 59602 
forre...@imach.com | http://www.packetflux.com 



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