On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 12:44 PM, James Bowery wrote:
> At _that_ point, the "political" factions will, in fact, be the scientific 
> faction and the morons.
> Guess who wins?

If morons control the debt-based fiat currency they will win since they can 
capture perception and they can capture science. This is what happened with the 
covid injections. Perception is truth. Who is more intelligent a rich moron or 
a poor scientist?

“How AI will kill us”  Perhaps by using intelligence. You may not know it’s 
going to happen until it’s already happening.

Gaining and presenting evidence for prediction requires funding. Truth favors 
$$$ proportionately and probably none more so than the medical industry… if you 
go back in time and look at it's history, for example how Rockefeller 
reoriented medicine from natural/herbal in the early 1900’s to petroleum based 
and then formed the Cancer Institute in response to explosions in cancer…  Now 
natural remedies get no FDA approval.

The scientific truth is coming out that most vaccines are dangerous. If you 
invest time researching like I have you will see that the covid injections are 
a medical disaster of unprecedented proportion... and/or a giant hit job...and 
it does tie into things like CBDC's and AGI.

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