On December 12th Jonathon Standley said

<< On a practical note, if  the above hypothesis is correct, it would be
relatively easy to identify << the signature patterns of different
emotions (via PET or fMRI) and emotionally "program" an AI's << reward
structure to ensure that it behaves itself

I would particularly be interested in seeing how different states of
consciousness ie. Deep meditation and the state referred to as
enlightenment is reflected at the brain level.  

Enlightenment pursued by many is characterized as a higher state of
consciousness and is sometimes referred to in psychological literature
as a peak experience but I am not sure if they are completely

People who have pursued the experience such as myself and have been
given small tastes of success will tell you unequivocally that if it is
not endorphins that are being released then there is something even more
powerful at work within the brain.  

The interesting thing is that while in this state you perceive the
intellect as being greatly heightened, with thoughts flowing at an
extremely accelerated pace and the sense of one's self or being separate
from everything else is eliminated or greatly diminished.  Mystics who
devote their live to the self-inducement of this state are not
necessarily doing so for just philosophic or religious reasons.  The
sense of clarity and pleasure experienced during the state may be very
addictive and may be the basis for the revelatory experiences that
inspired all modern day religions.  In many cases the experiences are so
strong that a single experience has been known to cause people to
completely change the direction of their lives.

While it is difficult to separate the scientific literature from the
large body of new age and religious hyperbole, there may be an overdrive
gear that can be triggered in the mind by practice of meditative

Should a FAI have a MetaGoal to maximize it's own perceived pleasure.
Since the FAI will need a mechanism to prioritize it's internal goal
states the external trigger for such a state could be used reprioritize
the FAI's goals states at least during early development to induce it to
follow positive modes of thought and stay out of areas such as obsessive
compulsive behavior, antisocial behavior, paranoia, megalomania and
other states associated with mental illness.  By monitoring the FAI's
long term goal stack is should be possible to view the FAI's basic life
philosophy evolve.

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