Ben: To be quite frank, the most creative and original ideas inside the 
  design are quite technical.  I suspect you don't have the background to 
  them.However, I can see there's something else underlying your remarks: a 
sort of
  "mystification" of the power of intelligence.  I think you'll be shocked when 
the workings
  of the brain are finally unveiled and magic trick, no super-secret 
"algorithm of thought" ...

  No, I don't have the background to judge MOSES etc. and, offhand say,  the 
novelty of your search algorithms.  But I don't think that invalidates my 
particular comments. And you offer a strange idea of creativity. Creativity is 
not necessarily shocking. Clearly there was nothing shocking about Hawkins' 
HTM.  Creative ideas can often be like that - Freud's idea of the unconscious 
was similar -  involving a major new emphasis and development of what is 
already known or broached. 
  I certainly don't expect to see any super algorithms of thought. On the 
contrary, I am very confident that human, conscious streams of thought are 
*not* programmed or algorithmic overall, (while involving a great many 
algorithmic routines in parts) -  more "composition" in the ordinary sense of 
throwing things together, than iteration of pre-existing instructions. And that 
is the sort of revolution - among several others - that  I expect to see in 
both cog. sci and AGI/ robotics -  revolutionary but not shocking or magical.

  I certainly do not think that you do not have original ideas or that your 
design is worthless - and I acknowledge, as before, your courage in pursuing 
your project (and tolerance of criticism!) .But I also think it's no bad thing 
that someone should keep complaining; "where's the beef?" and asking that 
people address the central problem. And I think this discussion shows that I am 
not alone.

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