On Friday 31 August 2007 18:19, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Although it is easy to try to jump in and start documenting stuff,
> > there is so little current documentation that there might be an
> > opportunity to rethink how to do this.
> Agreed.  How do other, successfull, open source projects--as well as
> closed-source commercial projects--get documentation written?  Through
> my own personal (anecdotal) experience, the lead engineers are not the
> ones that do the majority of the documentation writing.

I'll bet that most successful projects have a roadmap of where they are and 
where they are going. In fact, AOLserver is a successful project as far as I 
can tell. And if it isn't, we damn better figure out, and agree, on the 
current limitations before heading off in some unknown direction. We really 
don't need lead engineers if nobody knows where we are going or why. 

There was a question of why nobody is working on bugs. This is very curious. I 
rarely hear of a significant bug that goes unaddressed. A recent one is 
apparently in Tcl, not AOLserver. It is possible that nobody is working on 
bugs because they don't bother anyone enough to really impact their 
application. The only other possibility is that our users are too dumb to 
figure out how to ask about a bug. I haven't seen any evidence of that. 

Unless someone is planning on introducing a bunch of new bugs, there probably 
isn't too much to do here at the moment except address the ones which really 
bug us. 

tom jackson

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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