SBGK wrote: 
> and if the market is always right then the abx objectivists are
> increasingly like the loon shouting the world is going to end while the
> likes of jplay, regen, cable manufacturers etc walk away with the
> spoils.

Let's not conflate commercial realities with technical truths. 

If you go to the drugstore, what percentage of whats on the shelves are
unique effective medical tools, what percentage are things that work or
kinda work but are reasonably safe and are repackaged 7,600 (more or
less) different ways as cures for 7,600 different things, and what
percentage are placebos?  Even in a context of over a century of legal
regulation, there are plenty of placebos and also quite a few examples
of about 8 different chemicals (aspirin, Acetaminophen, calcium
carbonate, capsaicin, Milk of Magnesia, etc.) repackaged literally
thousands of different ways as if they were unique solutions for common
human ailments.  

In the case of audio, there has never been any effective government
regulation, the products have only been around a maximum of about half
as long, and there are plenty of examples of effective tools, things
that are semi-effective but repackaged many different ways, and
out-and-out placebos. 

Why should I be surprised?

One of the more educational experience of my life has been the last 2
years that I have been going to Estate Sales. This is a legal way to
freely and intrusively peruse other people's lifestyles in excruciating
detail. So lets see, I go to about 10 estate sales a week and I've been
doing this weekly for about 2 years. That's about 1,000 different homes
in  upscale communities that I've examined.  I've found about 4
instances of high end audio cables or .4% market penetration.

The point is don't make the mistake of overestimating the market
penetration of high end audio cables. In the cosmic scheme of things, it
is a nit.

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