SBGK wrote: 
> Aren't estate sales mainly for the deceased, 

One phrase "Estate Sale" is used to cover a number of different
situations, including Divorce Sales, Moving Sales, Downsizing Sales, and
of course those regrettable sales triggered by the demise of the
surviving principle inhabitant of the house.

Furthermore, not all deceased are elderly to the point of having lost
their interest in technology. For example I recently inadvertently
attended an estate sale of a person that I had known as a child who
passed well north of 90.  He had continued to buy media, media players,
and home shop tools right up to the end. 

> so you're mainly looking at old peoples belongings, who may not have the
> same interest in high end audio as others. 

They seem to know about flat screen TVs, video projectors, cable boxes,
internet, BD players and discs, subwoofers, surround sound etc.  

The sale attendees are often contemporaries of the sellers and seem to
know about smart phones, etc.

> I know none of my elderly neighbors or relatives have anything more than
> a tv and a radio, with maybe the odd midi cd player type system. Did
> they abx it before buying ?

Not all neighborhoods are the same, culturally. The sales I attend are
primarily of people who are upper middle class and up.   

Tech is cheaper and more pervasive in the US than just about everywhere
else despite the backwardness of internet speeds.  That is partially due
to the fact that the US is vastly more decentralized with a far lower
average population density in some areas.  When one flies over the
western US there are still places with no visible roads, not even dirt
roads from horizon to horizon @ 40,000 feet. 

Where do you find such places in Europe or the UK? At that altitude in
Europe you can probably see several different countries! Of course
Canada and Russia are even less densely populated.

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