arnyk wrote: 
> Let's not conflate commercial realities with technical truths. 
> If you go to the drugstore, what percentage of whats on the shelves are
> unique effective medical tools, what percentage are things that work or
> kinda work but are reasonably safe and are repackaged 7,600 (more or
> less) different ways as cures for 7,600 different things, and what
> percentage are placebos?  Even in a context of over a century of legal
> regulation, there are plenty of placebos and also quite a few examples
> of about 8 different chemicals (aspirin, Acetaminophen, calcium
> carbonate, capsaicin, Milk of Magnesia, etc.) repackaged literally
> thousands of different ways as if they were unique solutions for common
> human ailments.  
> In the case of audio, there has never been any effective government
> regulation, the products have only been around a maximum of about half
> as long, and there are plenty of examples of effective tools, things
> that are semi-effective but repackaged many different ways, and
> out-and-out placebos. 
> Why should I be surprised?
> One of the more educational experience of my life has been the last 2
> years that I have been going to Estate Sales. This is a legal way to
> freely and intrusively peruse other people's lifestyles in excruciating
> detail. So lets see, I go to about 10 estate sales a week and I've been
> doing this weekly for about 2 years. That's about 1,000 different homes
> in  upscale communities that I've examined.  I've found about 4
> instances of high end audio cables or .4% market penetration.
> The point is don't make the mistake of overestimating the market
> penetration of high end audio cables. In the cosmic scheme of things, it
> is a nit.

Aren't estate sales mainly for the deceased, so you're mainly looking at
old peoples belongings, who may not have the same interest in high end
audio as others. I know none of my elderly neighbours or relatives have
anything more than a tv and a radio, with maybe the odd midi cd player
type system. Did they abx it before buying ?

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