On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/6/13 James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > As the man in charge of the Coyopa project, which'll be fiddling with a
> lot
> > of our streams,
> You mean this: <
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radiolabs/2008/03/coyopa_takes_shape.shtml>
> ?

Yep. It's in BH now. I saw it last week, warming up one of the apparatus
rooms. And it's even working. Hopefully we'll switch stuff on within the
next month. Some niggles to sort out still though.

> > 2. Flash streaming "just works" for most people, and as the TV iPlayer
> has
> > shown, a tremendously popular way of consuming content.
> Not on mobiles. How about an Ogg stream with Cortado[1] for mobiles
> (or other people who dislike Flash).

Agreed. We have plans on mobile also, though any solution must "just work".
Yes, we're providing a ton of extra streams in different formats for wifi
radios and the like to use; no, Ogg Vorbis is not one of them. I refer the
gentleman to the answers I gave here:

Not sure whether our streaming will work on Gnash or not, incidentally. I'd
think, for a while at least, it will.

> 3. HTTP downloads are not possible
> I think the idea was to stream over HTTP. (or something that is
> similar enough to streaming that no one notices).

RTMP or RTSP is streaming. Nobody (using Flash) will notice it's any
different to any other experience they have. Again, it must "just work".
HTTP streaming is less good for Content Restriction And Protection. (Again,
sorry we have to put cr&p in our streams in this way, but we do.) (Yes, the
abbreviation is intentional).

> > I'm sorry we have to use it. But we have to use it.
> Is there no a more open streaming protocol one could use?

Again, back to the Content Restriction And Protection issue; but also
coupled with the knowledge that a typical user wants something that "just

> 5. A "pop-up player" will continue to be available in iPlayer when radio
> > "moves in".
> Unfortunately there is not much the BBC can really do about "stay on
> top" however. If the OS/Browser don't provide it then you're out of
> luck. Some OSes let any window "stay on top".

Yep, agreed. We can't provide "stay on top" with anything internet, without
a software product, which people don't, generally, download. (Sweeping
generalisation, but my experience).

> If only browsers supported <video>[2] and <audio> tags, and if there
> was actually some base codecs defined that would work on any browser.
> (chicken/egg?)

Yessss... to a point. There are some base codecs defined that work on any
browser with Flash installed (ie virtually all of them); and that's the way
that the world is going.

> > Beer, anyone?
> Are you buying? ;)

Nope. You? Mine's the guest ale.


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