Sorry, I'm not getting what you are so upset about

Am 18.08.2011 um 07:01 schrieb crag:

> And that's my point. That link (or better) that FAQ should be on the
> App store. It didn't occur to me that the versions would be different.
> You think I spend my time learning the ins and outs of App Store
> policy? I trusted Bare Bones to deal with that. And let me know.
A simple visit on Barebones' homepage would have given you that information as 
the FAQ has a link on their start page. As this feature seems to be important 
to you that time would have been good invested. You know, other people try 
before they buy. If you rely on certain functionality there is no way around 
collecting some information beforehand to check if you'll get what you are 
looking for. This is wiser than complaining afterwards and blaming others for 
not foreseeing and protecting you from that compulsive shopping disorder.

> But nooooo.. so now I face a decision. Buy it again from their website
> or ditch BBedit all together.

Or option three (which you could have seen if you actually read the FAQ):

"If you have already purchased BBEdit from the Mac App store and need support 
for authenticated saves, please contact our customer service department for 
assistance. We will require proof of purchase from the Mac App Store in order 
to assist you; if you include that information when you write us, doing so will 
speed the process."

I experienced the support people as friendly and willingly to help. So why not 

Take a deep breath, count to 10 and try to read before you rant. You'll see 
that life will almost magically feel a lot easier and people around you will 
meet you with a smile not with baffled gazes.

Have a nice day,

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