On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:01:10PM -0700, crag wrote:
> And that's my point. That link (or better) that FAQ should be on the
> App store. It didn't occur to me that the versions would be different.
> You think I spend my time learning the ins and outs of App Store
> policy? I trusted Bare Bones to deal with that. And let me know.

It would be nice for there to be a universal way for the App Store to
indicate the App Store version of a product is restricted in ways that
the "full" product is not. But that would be expecting the App Store to
handicap themselves.

Yesterday was the first time in perhaps 10 years of BBEdit that I
remember having need of authenticated read/write. OTOH I often find
myself in Terminal.app and enjoy the ability to launch BBEdit directly
from the command line. If already there, I find it easier to launch from
command line than to drag file icon to BBEdit or right-click to select
BBEdit rather than default .html app (Safari). Am often in Terminal.app
because I'm still most comfortable running svn from there.

Had placed a couple of files in my shared Public/Drop Box (not to be
confused with Dropbox.app) from a WinXP machine. BBEdit said I didn't
have full read/write privileges so I let it override with my password.

Knowing BBEdit pockets a bit more when purchased direct, I updated
direct. Always do similar with businesses I consider to be my friend,
use cash or check rather than credit card. But sometimes a small
business would rather credit card than cash so as to not have to make a
trip to the bank that evening for only one cash transaction that day.

David Kelly N4HHE, dke...@hiwaay.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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