Thank you.
The reasons given are why I don't want to make a mistake when I next buy a 
toilet. It wil l be soon as a wash cloth stopped up the one that then 
cracked when I investigated the continuing clog.
So sounds like 2 gall is safe.
I will remember to look for 16-17 inch and around 2g.
But what then is the difference between valvedless and valved?
Again, thanks

On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, chiliblindman wrote:

>     Hello Spiro.  I have found there are a lot of people not very happy with 
> water saver johns.  The main complaint is they have to be flushed twice a lot 
> of times.
>     Water savers started at around 3.5 gallons with the lowest one around 
> 1.28 gallon.  I am sure there are some made with less than the 1.28 gallons.  
> Some are valveless and others have valves like mine.  I would think that it 
> would be a little misleading since during the flush water is running into the 
> tank and bowl from the valve.  My new one probably uses 2 gal. at least per 
> flush.  That is fine and dandy for the average person that gets plenty of 
> fiber.  I weight in at 165 tops and the largest in my family.  Now if I was 
> constipated and needed help to go a water saver would require more than one 
> flush.  Very large people will require a larger water volume to flush.
>     Quite the subject here to discuss.  Any way I got the large comfort john 
> and got the 1.6 gal tank.  It is easy to get on and off since it is high and 
> large.  I could have gotten a larger tank for it that holds more water.  That 
> info will not come from a lowes type store at all.  If I was doing this for 
> kids since it was my children's bath, if young I would have gotten the 13 1/2 
> inch high john with a small tank.  Since my son is now over six feet tall he 
> said it was nice not to sit with his knees to his chin.
>     So john and tank size should be according to size of the user.  Those 
> wall mounts are very nice unless you are big.  If I was 300 lbs and shifted 
> my butt to the side, the wall would move and after awhile it will leak and or 
> break.
>     That is the reason I asked at lowes and the plumbing outlets that I 
> wanted a water saver that always works right.  The only thing the guy at 
> lowes kept saying was the distance from the wall was standard around 12 
> inches for the bolts.  I couldn't pull anymore info from him.
>     One thing I can say about my 7.5 gal one in the basement, it will flush 
> anything smaller than an elephant.
>     I am not sure about the water usage of the up-chuck.  I have not seen any 
> for sale for years and that was special orders only.
> .......................bob
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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