
Today's topics:

* Chapter Activities! - 1 messages, 1 author
* hi -- real action plan for propagation! - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Chapter Activities!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 18 2006 8:25 pm 
From: "Moderator BharatUdayMission"  

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This message contains following topics:

                        1. Minutes of Kanpur Chapter's meeting
                        2. Minutes for the meeting held on 17/5/06 by

1. Minutes of Kanpur Chapter's meeting

Date: 16th May 2006
Place: Hall-4, IIT Kanpur.

Members Present:

   1. Surya Prakash Jaiswal  [ Associate, DIOS]
   2. S.R. Dwivwdi [ Principal, JNV KAnpur]
   3. V.K. Shukla [Teacher Govt. Inter College]
   4. Anand Vikram Singh [ Auditor, Cooperative Societies]
   5. Namrata Srivastava [Journalist, TOI]
   6. Deepak Mishra
   7. S.K. Das
   8. Gopalkrishna
   9. Jitendra
   10. Swanand M. Lele
   11. Rajesh Kumar
   12. Kshitiz Verma
   13. Manoj Rao
   14. Amit Bhansali  and
   15. myself (Amritesh)

Issues Discussed and Decisions taken in the Meeting :

   1. *Opening a Local Office at Kanpur outside IIT campus*

*Action Plan:*

   - The Responsibility of this work is assigned to  Sri S. R. Dwivedi
   ji , Principal of Jai Narayan Vidya Mandir School, who  will provide us a
   room in his school for our Monthly scheduled meetings and to run offline

*The School address is: Jai Narayan Vidya Mandir, Vikash Nagar, Kanpur.*
*(It is about 5 Kms from IIT campus)*

   - A monthly  meeting will be held at every *second saturday at 6:00 pm
   - This office will be used to act as a local base at the Kanpur
   region. Our all formal meetings would be held here noly from now onwards.
   All kinds of offline activities will be run by this centre and our members
   will spare some time on rotation basis.
   - There will be a detail record register of our all Kanpur Chapter's

*    2.  Starting a Periodic Newsletter for offline connectivity*

*Action Plan:*

   - Team Formed: Namrata ji, Rajesh ji , Surya Prakash ji and me
   (Amritesh) as team coordinator.
   - We will discuss about its contents and prepare a formate of
   newsletter for offline members.
   - The first newsletter will be launched in the first week of June.
   - The newsletter which also contains our chapter activities and
   discussions, will be posted to every offline members.
   - The frequency of postings will be 15 days for initial days.

   *  3.   Propagation to GSVM Medical College:*
*Action Plan: *

   - Team Formed: Swanand ji, Manoj ji, Kshitiz ji, Jitendra ji and Gopal
   -  Namrata ji provide some contacts of the students of that college.
   We will talk to them and accordingly we will decide the schedule of our
   campaign to get optimum outreach.
   - Before Going there we will prepare a banner of BM containing its
   vision and mission.

    * 4. Networking with People in the Education Field:*
*Action Plan:*

   - Team Formed: Surya Prakash ji (Team coordinator), Krishna Kumar ji,
   V.K. shukla ji.
   - They will try to propagate the ideas of BM to the students, their
   gaurdians  and the Teachers and of their concerned schools.

    * 5. Meeting with SP(crime) to know the for further proceedings of
Pasport Curruption Issue.*
*Action Plan:*

   - A team of three members: Kshitiz ji, Gopal ji and  Rajesh ji will
   meet the SP (crime) this saturday and use the RTI to extract the
   informations regarding the case proceedings of our curruption claim at the
   Passport Office. We will follow them unless and until the currupt people
   behind them get punished.

   *6. Member's Assistance to the operation of Manjulata ji:*

   - Gopal ji, Namrata ji and Rajesh ji will take care of the operation
   of Manjulataaji. They will be spending 4-5 days in the hospital on rotation
   basis. Other members will also cooperate them in case they are available at
   that time.
   - Rajesh ji and Surya Prakash ji and Namrata ji will donate their
   blood for her large blood requirements during operations.

       7.* A general Survey to the dwellings of daily workers inside IIT

*Action Plan:*

   -  Myself along with Swanand ji will take the responsibility to make a
   survey to the small temporary houses of daily workers. We will try to talk
   to them and understand  their actual problems which the are facing due to
   exploitation by their contractors under whome they are working. accordingly
   we will make a plan of action to fight for them.

*Next Meeting :*
*Date : 10th June [2nd saturday] 2006*
*Time : 6:00 pm*
*Venue:  Jai Narayan Vidya Mandir, Vikash Nagar, Kanpur. *
*(It is about 5 Kms from IIT campus)

2. Minutes for the meeting held on 17/5/06 by BM_Allahabad
Vande Mataram!

On behalf of the Allahabad chapter of Bharatuday Mission, we are sending the
meeting minutes of the third meeting held at the MCC ground of Allahabad
University at 5:00 pm on 17th of May, 2006.

Members present were (names in no particular order):

Mr. Rajarshri Tiwari

Mr. Akhil Srivastava

Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh

Mr. Vaibhav Rastogi *

(* new members)

Topics of discussion:

1) Distribution of work:

Various persons have been allocated different type of work, apart from the
ground work. So, the members can perform their job more smoothly and the
workload becomes manageable.

The distribution is as follows:

i) Co-ordinator - Mr. Akhil Srivastava.

ii) Treasurer - Mr. Pulak Kumar.

iii) Web design and techincal support - Mr. Vaibhav Rastogi.

The ground work activity management has been not discussed. So any one
interested in it do come forward.

The ownership of the group is to remain with Mr. Rajarshri Tiwari.

2) Primary and secondary members:

We propose that the members be divided into 2 categories namely - primary
members and secondary members. The primary members will be the ones who take
active part in the activities of BM whereas, the secondary members are those
who do not participate actively but, they help us to increase the reach of
BM and may help in whatever way they want to.

3) Monthly fees:

We have decided that we will be collecting a sum Rs. 150 pm from the primary
members. The amount was agreed upon by the members present at the meeting.
This is amount is not rigid and can be changed if there is any disagreement.
The secondary members will not be obliged to pay and they can pay anything
as per their wish. The amount is to be used in the various activities that
are to be undertaken by BM Allahabad chapter.

4) Induction of more female members:

It was discussed at the meeting that our female friends have shown a little
inertia in joining BM, so we will be trying to get more females into our
group. This will have a multifold effect on us. It will lend us more
credibility and also we can also work with many NGO's like SAHIL, which work
for women only. More active participation by women will help us in having a
broader perspective of the problems concerning society.

5) Establishing contacts with NGO's:

It was also discussed that we contact the various NGO's that operate in
Allahabad. This will enable us to forge a better understanding of the social
work that is to be done. BM can also work with the NGO's to achieve its
objective of social service to the society.

6) Propagation of BM:

We also discussed the propagation of BM. We will print pamphlets and each
member will be in charge of spreading BM in his/her institution. We have
also planned many activities that will help students get acquainted with BM.
These will be put into action once the new academic term starts in July.

7) Literacy program:

A literacy program has been planned, in which we will be teaching children
and adults of Jhalwa, an underdeveloped part on the outskirts of the city.
The classes will be held daily and it will be a long term project.

8) We emphasized on group leadership. Patronizing the organization will be
flayed and will not be accepted inside BM framework. No senior-junior
concept lies as such and we highly believe in the policy of working

9) We have also expected support from central team and other well
established chapters in organizing ground activities and their active
support throughout.

The next meeting will be held by the end of May or the beginning of June.

Jai Hind!

Vaibhav Rastogi

Second Yr. B.Tech (IT)

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

Room # 454 Hall-2

ph: 9935-560637


"We have only one Passion
The Rise of a Great Nation."

TOPIC: hi -- real action plan for propagation!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, May 18 2006 8:29 pm 
From: "Moderator BharatUdayMission"  

Dear friends,

By next monday We will be releasing the ACTION PLAN of cpt for the
nest 3 months.

we have asked for volunteers thru main groups. only five turn up.
if you missed that mail.

please make us know about your interest by sending

chapter belong to:
phone number:

please also post your innovative ideas like BM propagation day, Best
BM proapagator, national essay writing competition.

we have fixed our target :
one chapter in each state and union territory of india with in aug
15 2006.

thank u

"We have only one Passion
The Rise of a Great Nation."


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