
Today's topics:

* Community Action Project - Pudupettai Slums - Pictures - 01 July 2006 - 1 
messages, 1 author
* Chapter Activities! - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Community Action Project - Pudupettai Slums - Pictures - 01 July 2006

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 8 2006 9:11 am 
From: "Prahalathan KK"  

TOPIC: Chapter Activities!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 9 2006 12:45 am 
From: "information team bharat uday mission"  

1. BM Mumbai : Tree Plantation Activity followed by Meeting on 16th July
2. BM JabalPur : Activities

1. BM Mumbai : Tree Plantation Activity followed by Meeting on 16th July
Hello Everyone

Since the monsoon's have started we are due for our tea plantation activity.
It has been decided that we would be going on 16th July 2006 that is
following Sunday.
The place we have to reach is given below

ShivanSai Village
Ram Mandir
Panvel ST Stand
Any bus towards Shivan Sai Village

Since we could not decide upon the time would request everyone to please
tell a time that would be convinient for all. It takes on an average 2 hours
to reach Panvel Station anywhere from the western side. So do take that into
consideration and continue the discussion for time on this thread.

Also we need to conduct our monthly meeting as we had skipped one last month
due to national convention. So the activity will be followed by the meeting
at the aforesaid place itself.

Agenda for Meeting
1. Details of Convention
2. Selecting Member for the task Force
3. Participating in the RTI campaign
4. New Initiatives for Propagation
5. New Activities to be undertaken
6. Having an Art sale for the hyderabad chapter
7. Electing a new chapter representative
8. Regarding sale of cards and our relationship with Maan school
9. Settling of accounts for the maan program
10. Money for essay writing competition

If anyone wants to discuss something more they can add to the above list and
send it to the group. We are expecting a huge turnout from all members as we
are informing everyone 8 days in advance. Please append your name to the
list if you are attending.


List of People Attending the Activity and Meeting
1. Pooja Bhatia
2. Abhijit

2. BM JabalPur : Activities

* "BM_Jabalpur Acitivity"*


*Date          :-     1st July 2006*

*Venue     : -    Jabalpur College of Media and Communication, Madan Mahal,

*Time         : -     0400 p.m. to 0730 p.m.*



*Activity   *


*The second innings for the year 2006 couldnt have started on a better
note.... On the 1st July 2006 the BM_Jabalpur Chapter members attended the
Inaugaration of Awareness and Assistance Programme on Right to Information
Act organised by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (a delhi based
organisation).  This event is an important link in the chain of  events that
were whistled off across different parts of the country on 1st July 2006.  *


*The speaker of the programme was Dr Rajesh Ranjan, of CHRI.*


*The programme was a highly informative and interactive one for the
BM_Jabalpur members who actively participated in the discussions that took
place in the pgme.*


*The programme will be of 15 days duration where by the participants will be
made aware of the rules and regulations of the Right to Information Act. The
programme will also encompass an interaction with the masses whereby the
participating members will interact with the locals and make them aware of
the importance of RTI in there day to day life.*


*The BM_Jabalpur chapter looks forward to the coming 15 days.........*



*Regards to all*
Kanika Verma


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