At 17:18 26-10-2002 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:

What I would like would be an automated[1] system with  web-based
interface where the dinger indicates who they want to ding, with a field
for explanation for the ding, and for anonymous dinging to be possible,
but penalized; the dingee would be notified via e-mail of the ding, and
the explanation included in the e-mail.
Sounds like an awful lot of work for something that is not really useful, not really complies with IAAMOAC, and goes against David Brin's wish that this list be unmoderated.

Oh, and that there be a webpage where you can look at all the dings you
have received, with expirations of each, and all the dings you have
given, with the same.  (Being able to request such a list via e-mail, or
be set up for an automated mailing of this once every 24 hours might be
nice, as well, as long as I'm making a wishlist here....)
Why not make a webpage (I hereby volunteer some space at for it) that lists the full history of Brin-L dinging then? It will make the system more transparent, and it will be easy to notice by everyone if someone is trying to abuse the system.

Jeroen "Shields up! Red alert!" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


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