On Sun, Mar 02, 2003 at 10:58:35AM -0600, Robert Seeberger wrote:

> The fact that of all the Americans you have known, hardly any of them have
> died from gunshot wounds, and that should tell you something about the
> actual state of things here. I rarely see a firearm, and if I do its

True. (I'll ignore the fact I don't actually know that many Americans. ;-)

> Contrary to the rumors circling the globe, US citizens dont run around
> waving their guns in the air or shooting beer bottles off handy fence
> rails. People are much more discrete than that. (And I'm in Texas in case

You're shattering all kinds of illusions here, you do know that?

> > Ah, but proper pinko ones, or the new slightly puce ones? ')
> Pick a color.......its humor, so you have to participate a bit. <G>

Well, y'know, I thought I'd let you pick the colour. :) I actually prefer
blue, but that's not exactly the traditional choice here.


Q:  How many Zen masters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A:  None.  The Universe spins the bulb, and the Zen master stays out
    of the way.

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