--- "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deborah Harrell wrote:

> ><much snippage> 
> >*Technical point*  Your quote was NOT what he said!
> Deborah, you snipped too far.
> Here is what was written:
> The difference  between now and WWII is that such
> people would not be
> allowed to commit similar errors 12 years later,
> like......  attacking in
> 180 degrees the wrong direction.  
> Saddam could have waited.  The people who are
> killing Americans, waging
> jihad against our civilization and corrupting our
> leaders live in Riyadh.
> Dr. Brin is not simply making "the North Korea
> argument" (i.e. isn't North
> Korea or X a greater and more immediate threat
> traq?)
> No, Dr. Brin has clearly called our failure to
> attack Riyadh "an error."
> Now, maybe that's not what he intended (his most
> recent post basically
> retracts the above comment as being "sardonic"), but
> I did not misstate the
> actual words that were written.

John -

When I see something in quotes, I expect it to be
*exactly* what the person said/wrote; if words are
left out, I expect to see '<snip>' or '...' (as you
did above: <<...similar errors 12 years later,
> like......  attacking in
> 180 degrees the wrong direction>> )

If a summary or extrapolation is being made, then the
words should be in ' 's instead of " "s; or else they
should be preceded or followed by <<It seems to me>>
or <<one surmises>> etc.

Combining words without showing that there was a
discontinuity is like combining 2 pictures without
stating "Edited for composition" or something to that


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