--- Jon Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which is approximately 50% of the world's population
> and the entire
> Jewish population of Israel. (Gautam may have known
> that, but I thought
> the 'irony' worth posting.) :( 

I did, which is why I chose the number.

> > and most of them are conservatives?
> I don't agree with this.  I am a somewhat
> middle-of-the road
> conservative, and I haven't met a single New York
> liberal who thinks the
> jewish population in Israel should be wiped out or
> that the Palestinian
> terrorism isn't horrible.  

Yeah, but I don't think there are many people in
Europe who think that the Jewish population in Israel
should be wiped out - although there _are_ many who
don't seem to have much of a problem with Palestinian
terrorism.  But the opinion poll statistics suggest -
quite strongly - that, if you're not Jewish the single
most accurate predictor of sympathy for Israel is
being a conservative.  Just compare The Nation's take
on Israel to National Review's and you tell me which
one you feel more comfortable with.  
> In my opinion, you cannot judge all liberals or
> democrats by articles
> you read in the papers or hear on talk shows. Nor
> can you judge most
> Democrats' opinions by their leaders' agendas in
> much the same way most
> Republicans' opinions cannot be judged by every word
> that falls from our
> President's mouth.  You live here.  Do you think the
> New York Post
> speaks for every
> Republican?
> Jon

No, but according to every poll I've seen, Republicans
are much more sympathetic to Israel than Democrats
are.  There's an interesting question of why that is,
and a further one of how long it will be before that
fact makes American Jews vote Republican more often,
but that does seem to be the way the numbers work.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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