At 09:29 AM 6/14/2003 +0100 Richard Baker wrote:
>So you don't think that understanding the origins of current problems as
>part of an attempt to avoid similar problems in the future is

Well, I hesitate to answer this question, since it is so clearly loaded,
but basically my position is this:

1) I find the study of history to be a very valuable pursuit.

2) I think that the history of the Israel/Palestine problem is highly
unlikely to be repeated in other conflicts in the future.

3) Debating the history of the problem to determine the relatively morality
of the various sides in this conflict is a purely academic pursuit, since
it has no relevance to determining a solution to the problem.   Thus,
people who insist upon this discussion of the history are fundamentally
non-serious in the pursuit of a solution.

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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