----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Crystall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: Comparision of ecconomic growth

> On 26 Jun 2003 at 17:57, Dan Minette wrote:
> > But seriously, unless Turkey is admitted, the countries that it is
> > expanding to have the same or worse demographic problems as Western
> > Europe.
> Not really - and their less developed economic structures are markets
> which America will find it a lot harder to compete in.

Just which East European countrys are you thinking of?  Most are aging as
fast or faster than Western Europe.

> >
> > But, the most important factor hindering European growth is not going
> > to be adressed.  It is the inherent inflexibility of the European
> > ecconomic system.
> huh? I'd argue that it's more *stable*.

I'll give an example.  A customer of mine is Swiss. He is amazed at how one
can just start a company without the permission of the right people in the
US.  He was amazed that I was able to strike out on my own as a consultant.
He said he could not just start a business when he was young; it just
wouldn't be allowed.

Another example is the fact that half of the EU budget goes to subsidize
inefficient farms.

> > > I wouldn't be complacent as an American.
> >
> > Well, complacency is never good, but the challenge to the US will not
> > be from Europe in 30 years.  How will an old society that is shrinking
> > be able to challenge for supremacy?  Europe is in the process of
> > fading away.  The only way I can see this being stopped is:
> >
> > 1) Women start having kids out of as sense of loyalty to Europe.
> >
> > 2) Europe decides it wants to be multi-ethnic.
> >
> > I don't think either will happen.
> 2 is happening anyway. Especially in Britian, admitedly, but all
> across Europe. Immigration is spiralling.

You and I have a different understanding of spiralling, then.  The
non-European ethnic makeup of GB is 2.8%.  They are optimistically
projecting enough immigration to make this about 6% or so in 20 years. And
its the shining star.

California already has white non-Hispanics as the biggest minority, not the
majority.  Texas will follow in about 2 years.  Yes, one can see a
significant minority of non-Europeans in London.  That's because that is a
haven for non-whites in GB.  Contrast that with my neck of the woods where
neither of the two mayoral candidates were European.

Dan M.


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