-------Original Message-------
From: Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If you think Sandy Koufax was the best pitcher of all time, you're simply wrong.  
There is no serious argument for this. 
If you think he was the most dominant pitcher on a
per-game basis you're also wrong, but at least you
have a case and we can talk about it.  Arguing that he
was better than Seaver or Clemens is foolish.  He
didn't pitch for long enough.

So, you are arguing that "the greatest pitcher of all-time" *must* have had longevity? 
  I am surprised that you claim so confidently that it is "foolish" to disagree with 
this principle.   

In my mind, if one considers injuries to essentially be a random and rare function, I 
think that it would be very sensible to make discounts for careers cut-short by injury 
- even if one still wanted to devalue a pitcher (or player) whose career seemed to end 
early because of prematurely declining skills.


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