--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm curious as to peoples opinion on questec, the
> system baseball is now 
> using to evaluate the umpire's strike calling.  Info
> at 
> http://espn.go.com/mlb/s/2003/0605/1563649.html
> Personally, I'm very happy to see them doing
> something about the 
> inconsistency of the zone.  I'm not completely sold
> on questec itself, 
> but it's about time they're doing something.
> Doug

Hi Doug.  I can't find the article (maybe someone who
is a paid subscriber/can afford to become one can?)
but Baseball Prospectus published one suggesting
(IIRC) that the system actually isn't having much of
an impact.  They suggested (again, IIRC) that despite
what pitchers are claiming, in actual fact the
evidence suggests that umpires are very slightly more
likely to call a strike in Questec-equipped parks, but
that this difference might not even be statistically
significant.  I don't know enough about it to assess
the technical merits of the system, but that suggests
that it isn't doing much either way.

Gautam Mukunda
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