
Call me an old fart, but when I was growing up, series used to produce 26-30
episodes a year. Now we' re happy with 13, and they probably won't be in
consecutive weeks.

George A

well when aired on SkyOne the only break was over christmas... and that was for 3 weeks. However who knows how SciFi will air them.

and kerri with teh multinationalism of this list, im sure there are several memebrs that have seen the entire season..... tho your assumption of BitTorrent is correct in my case :) jsut couldnt wait till january to start watching it, well more or less i was looking for teh miniseries to show a friend, and i came across ep01, and ep02, and aftera little searching discovered that it was airing in the UK. Temtation was made so here I stand waiting to find out when it will be aired on Skyone again for season 2 ;)

Nick "I would not have lasted 40 days in the Desert" Lidster


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