Damon Agretto wrote:

> Which of course one should be willing to suspend in order to
> enjoy SF. I personally like how they're handling this aspect.
> Different enough from most other SF shows that have been on
> TV or the movies. Nothing original (and fans of Anime have
> seen this before), but no less plausable than warpspeed and
> the like...

It's essentially Asimov's Foundation FTL drive, the hyperspace
Jump. It takes a lot of time to calculate the right settings,
then the jump to the next location is instantantaneous. It's
hard to do a space show without FTL, so at least they're not
zipping around the universe willy-nilly. There are real limits
to how quickly you can get to the next point in your journey.
Steve Sloan ......... Huntsville, Alabama =========> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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