On 10/26/08 17:12, Victor Hooi wrote:
> Natalie,
> It's rather strange now, I updated to b99, and rebooted. There was some 
> strangeness with the network taking some time to come up, it seems, but it's 
> fine now.
> I added an idmap mapping to "Administrator" (there are now two entries, for 
> victorhooi and Administrator on the Windows side).
> I can't seem to access the CIFS share from the Windows system, though. In the 
> event viewer, for Folder redirection, it says "The specified network password 
> is not correct".
> Logged in as "victorhooi" under Windows, trying to open 
> \\osol-minotaur\rpool_test brings up a username/password prompt. Using my own 
> username and password doesn't work, nor does "victorh" and its password.
> Also, on boot, there's a message about the "ADS server is either not found or 
> offline."

In order to put that message in context,
please provide the /var/adm/messages file.



> Cheers,
> Victor
> --
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