On Apr 14, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Richard P. wrote:

I second this suggestion. TomTom's instructions encourage you to not leave it in the car, for temperature limits as well as theft potential. They even go so far as to say to not leave the suction cup installed on the windshield because that will let the bad guys know that a GPS is nearby.

Of course, it is illegal in almost every state to have anything such as a GPS unit affixed to a windshield. Vehicle windshields in virtually every jurisdiction are required to be free of any obstructions for visual safety reasons, except in the case of certain types of vehicles that are exempted through special provisions.

In Virginia, it is illegal to have an item of any sort affixed to the windshield of a passenger vehicle if it encroaches more than 4 inches into the windshield area above the point where the windshield contacts the dashboard, and nothing may be placed upon the windshield in any other area, such as around the sides and top, unless it is located directly behind the rearview mirror, is a legally specified attachment, and does not exceed specified dimensions.

If a device such as a GPS unit or satellite radio is found to be located in a fashion that does not pass muster upon seeking the state safety inspection in Virginia, the inspector is supposed to fail the vehicle on that safety issue alone. A friend was told by an inspector who had seen him waiting in line that if he did not remove the radio from the windshield before the car was driven into the bay for inspection, that he would be failed.

I recall one day when I saw a fellow driving down the road with no less that five separate GPS units and radio receivers mounted right in the middle of his windshield in a cluster beneath his rearview mirror. How he could see much of anything with the entire center of his windshield blocked I do not know.

If a police officer pulls over a driver in Virginia over for some infraction, which can include having the view blocked by a device mounted upon the windshield, the officer can write a summons for that particular infraction, in addition to whatever other infraction may have initially led to the traffic stop.


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