-Caveat Lector-

Linda Minor says;

<< Thanks for your posts.  What some people with tunnel-vision or blinders on
 this list can't seem to comprehend is what my favorite teachers in
 undergraduate school always called, laughingly, "the Big Picture."  This is
 why Hitler was able to control the German people so easily.

No, it wasn't that easy at all, it was a combination of prevailant German
philosphers, Kant and Hegel, whose views were the subjugation of the
individual to the group, the group to the company, the company to the Fuhrer;
self secrifice and doing one's duty. As Leonard Peikoff says in "The Ominous
Parallels", it was the professors and ph.D's which helped to sell nazism to
the German people, (pg 25, "(The Nazi) death camps," notes a writer in the New
York Times, "were conceived, built and often administered by ph.D's.") coupled
with a charismatic meglomaniac who told everybody he was going to pull the
country up by it's bootstraps, as long as you do your duty; throw in a lot of
greed, hundreds of thousands of people got rich or at least made money (see
"The Splendid Blond Beast") through asset stripping of the Jews. The bankers
put up much of the money, Standard oil (Rockefeller) supplied petroleum. Those
are some of the major factors responsible for Hitler's reign.

Linda says;
You can take a
 good idea (like preventing sexual harrassment in the business world), then
 get a law passed.  If you can't control the president any other way, you
 select someone to set him up (like Monica, with her sexually obsessive
 background and ties to wealthy families like Peter Straus), then get her a
 job as an unpaid intern.   She flirts, smiles, wiggles, and does all the
 things Bill is known to respond to.  When he repeatedly says no to her, she
 suddenly is befriended by someone with a long background of "intelligence"
 connections who starts warning her about the need to have evidence to
 protect herself.

I say;
What on earth are you talking about, "If you can't control the president any
other way", the man *is* totally controlled, he's a Rockefeller prodigy,
Rhodes "Scholar" and has committed so many crimes during his Arkansas Governor
days and ensuing  Presidency it's pointless going over them all again.. The
morons who call these crimes "alleged" are either living in a disassociative
state, are incurably ignorant, or are serving a particular agenda. Janet Reno
has been running major interference for Bill since becoming Attorney General
and the "Justice" Department is also rotten to the core. (checkout the inslaw
case) How do you know he repeatedly said "No to her", because Clinton says so?
Clinton is a pathological womaniser, lier, malignant narcissist whose only
emotion or thoughts revolve around his own gratification and self-
aggrandizement. Clinton's an excellent actor, as are most sociopaths, and
that's why so many people have been fooled for so long.

That's when Starr's friends, associates and former
 partners in various jobs he's held can be seen to be manipulating Lucianne
 Goldberg and Linda Tripp to send Monica back to make more enticements.  At
 the same time they were bribing Paula Jones and actually putting up the
 money to keep her lawsuit going alleging harrassment, when her reputation in
 sexual matters was equally as seedy as Monica's.  But it was a legal
 technicality, and that's all they had to hang their hat on.

I say;
Starr's "investigation" was a "Dog and pony show"; pretend you're doing
something when in reality you're doing exactly nothing; don't concentrate on
the most important cases such as Chinagate, Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate,
Vince Foster cover-up, Ron Brown "accident", the dozens of convenient deaths
surrounding Bill, instead focus on a salacious sexual scandal which you know
the majority of Americans don't give a damn about. Starr showed his true
agenda when he concluded that Foster had committed suicide. Yes, he really is
vindictively and tenaciously trying to "nail" Clinton, isn't he?!

Linda says;
 Anyone who refuses to see that this was a set up is no different than the
 people who followed Hitler blindly into the holocaust.  It's easy to create
 a law and then focus on its technicalities.  That's why we no longer have
 justice under the American system of jurisprudence.  The big picture of the
 Constitution, due process, fundamental fairness have been removed.  All for
 the sake of--what?  What motivates these technocrats?  It certainly isn't
 morality.  Ask yourself who these people really are; what is their
 background?  Do some research and use your brain.

 That's what I like about your posts, William.  They show you think and ask
 questions.  Thanks.

I say;
The blind leading the blind. Gavin.

 Linda Minor

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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