Am 07.04.2018 um 23:32 schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
* P. u. M. Mc Donough <> [04-07-18 16:33]:

So, after I have corrected (if necessary) exif "DATe and Time original"
I have renamed all pictures using the exif information to

indeed, I rename all my files after import:
   exiv2 mv \-k \-r %y%m%d_%H%M%S_:basename: \.\/*.{nef,jpg}'


Young man;-) What about those digitized slides from the last century, it should be 20180220_135504_aaa_0053.nef

but, this uses the exif date within the file.  if the camera date-time was
incorrect, so would be my file names.  so before a shoot, I synchronize
the date-time on all of my bodies, then go shoot.

True, one has to check that.
One of those days I will set all my cameras to UTC and adjust the time on my computer.

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