Hi Ricardo,

I think that your characterizations may be a bit harsh. I would like to tell you about an interview on Parkinson (a British TV show where various celebrities were invited to share aspects of their lives). On this occasion Parkinson had invited Yehudi Menuhin and Stephane Grappelli, Yehudi was a virtuoso classical violinist and Stephane was a jazz violinist. The interview was really interesting and at the end of it Menuhin performed a jazz piece composed for him by Grappelli. It was full of life and humour and the "phrasing" was perfect, and jazz phrasing is more "felt" than taught. The thing is, here, that Menuhin was classically trained and so his instrument became an extension of himself, man and violin were one. He was trained in a rigid structure that most violinists endure, he could provoke emotions of pathos and comedy, sadness and joy, all because he learned what his instrument could do. So once he understood the "tools of his trade" he could play anything.

In a similar fashion if you learn the order of progression of the tools in Darktable, your work will become more efficient and more pleasant. I have seen edits presented on YouTube which involve around 30 modules, apparently common in landscape photography, whereas I use around 6 modules as a rule, I am a studio photographer and I work on getting as much right as I can  through metering and exposing correctly. Is there more I could do? Sure, and I do learn incrementally, but just what I need.

I encourage you to allow yourself to work with the order of Darktable so that your intuition may become informed and your intuition and workflow become one.


Andrew Greig

On 17/2/21 12:52 am, Ricardo Kozmate.Net wrote:
Em 16/02/2021 01:20, Guillermo Rozas escreveu:

> This list can be a good first step to explore an idea

Agreed, I thank you, and some others, for explainig and discussing the ideia, but I also I note the first 3 out of 4 replies:

«If you want to use darktable "intuitively" you need to learn about darktables pipeline...» (i.e., the users' intuition is wrong, DT's way is the only right way. Also the person replying "knows" the user has not learnt about the pipeline)

«Then use another tool.»
«No, but people who understand what they do.»
(i.e. people asking for something are clueless)

«why don't you make a feature request accompanied with your explanation so it is understood?»
(i.e. shut up, don't discuss it here)

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