On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 04:12:48PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Once you've got your networking sorted out and you are setting up an
> NTP server, your next issue will be that one NTP server isn't
> enough:
> https://www.ntp.org/ntpfaq/ntp-s-algo-real/#532-why-should-i-have-more-than-one-clock
> The reason for this is that if you have just one NTP server for your
> network, and it goes bad (tells the wrong time), no one will be able
> to tell.

Well, you have to consider the actual goal.  If the goal is for the
printer to know the exact time, because it's going to print that time
on legal documents, then your point is worth considering.

But if the goal is simply to ensure that all the computers on the LAN
share the *same* time, right or wrong, then having them all sync to
the same, possibly drifting, time server is all that's needed.

Also remember, this is just Gene's home network.  It's not a major data
center.  A single NTP server for a home network sounds adequate to me.
Ultimately it's Gene's choice to make.

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