Sharyn (and others that despise GUI's and learning new things at this stage in the game),

I think that we must all recognize that the majority of Declude's market lies with those that aren't nearly as experienced with this stuff as we are, and they need a GUI in order to tap deeper into that market.  Whether we like it or not, a GUI will happen and I'm sure it's a top priority for them.  I think that at the same time we should be understanding of the need and the importance of this for their business even though it doesn't suit our needs.

Scott already indicated that he planed on having a system where the GUI was just simply an overlay to the config files and not necessarily required.  There is no reason why they can't do that if they set out to make that happen.  So if they do this right, it will have little or no effect on us.  We shouldn't complain about the proposition of a GUI as long as this is the case.

IMO, new features like the one that they released would be best addressed in updates to the GUI interface as a separate executable.  This GUI interface could enable the new test by way of a check box, and it could be highlighted on a 'What's New' tab/selection.  I don't see any reason however for separate 5 MB installers that leave DLL's lying around, especially for these purposes when they should simply be having us register and log into a customer's section of their Web site so that we can get the downloads instead of doing this by way of an app.  They certainly shouldn't assume that one-size fits all so far as the way that things are configured as they did this time.  IMO, it was a bit premature for this to have been released in this way, the real GUI and the rest of the process should have come first.


Sharyn Schmidt wrote:
Declude is not a simple thing to implement and configure. Those of us running it are more than capable of adding a line to our config files and deciding how to weight it/configure it/otherwise implement it. We don't NEED a "click OK to install" GUI that does something to our configurations that we're going to have to go change anyway.

I have been quietly listening to this thread, before I threw in my 2 cents, but I have to agree here.
The "old" system of just letting us manually add a line to our global config file worked great. A GUI is unnecessary and I, personally, do not like random dll's installed on my server that I can't uninstall. Having a pre-set "weight" configured is insane, as it is unlikely that all admins will assign the same weight to each test.
My vote goes back to the old way as I prefer to be in control of what gets added to my global.cfg. That way, I have only myself to blame when it's not right :)

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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