On 27.11.2016 04:37, William Hale wrote:
> Hi All,
> I skimmed through the thread and have a few comments based on the most
> recent script. Overall, I am happy that we dropped any deep
> explaination and most of the snow analogy. Below is my suggestion
> followed by the inline comments that built it.
> ---
> When goods such as software, multimedia, and research are released
> freely and for altrustic reasons, everyone is able to enjoy and benefit
> from them.

"altruistic" seems problematic.
We are about paying people - hopefully even well.

> But who pays for this content to be developed and sustained?
> Snowdrift.coop's revolutionary crowdmatching platform empowers you to
> join with others to fund the public goods /you/ want created.
> You pledge to donate a tiny amount, with a preset limit, every month,
> for each patron who supports a project with you.
> Your donation is matched by others in the growing community, building
> consensus that directs support to the most promising projects.

"growing" is a tiny bit too optimistic right now. We are just starting -
so "growing" probably means we hope the best.

> Join us in clearing the path to a free and open future!

I think your suggestion sounds casual and more approaching, I still
prefer Michaels for its clarity, though.

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