Le 29 oct. 04, à 10:17, Carsten Ziegeler a écrit :

...Hmm, one of the things I really don't like with JXTG is that you
have to different expression languages. You never know which to
use and some things work only with one specific language.
And for me this comes near to FS :)

Yes - but pluggability can be useful for the future and have good effects on code: if someone finds time to refactor the (working but verrry scary if you ask me) JXTG code, making the expression language pluggable certainly helps improve the code structure.

I don't think JXTG is broken now, it works well but the code is hard to understand and having all classes in a single huge source code file does not help.

...So, let's decide on one language that we think is the best, but
let's provide a hook so others can plugin their language if *they*
want to...

+1 to both


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