Marc Slemko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>3. Threading issues.  This is a red herring; threading issues can be a
>reason why moving to 2.0 wouldn't give someone enough of a reason to make
>it worthwhile, but they do not block anyone moving to 2.0.  if they
>don't want to use threads, they don't have to use threads.

There are platforms (still) which don't offer you threads, at least I
am building for such a system. Without Thread support, some of the
Apache2 features are simply unavailable (e.g., some caching stuff).
What remains of the new Apache features is often not interesting enough
for users to make the transition, given the fact that still too few
2.x modules exist.

Which in turn is caused by the unstable API (API of the week) which
was a major drawback for 3rd party module developers until 2.0.42 IIRC.


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