On 27/11/2009, at 2:27 AM, Todd Thiessen wrote:

>> The logic here is flawed because it is from a single 
>> perspective of an  
>> individual who finds it burdensome to validate each and every release.
> It isn't just me. Both Paul and Brett expressed similar concerns ;-).

I don't think this was my point. I'm fine with either more or less frequent 
releases (just not as infrequent as 2.0 -> 3.0-alpha-1 or 3.0-alpha-2 -> 
3.0-alpha-3 :) I'm not fine with circumventing review or pushing releases 
outside the ASF.

I'm also not pushing for duration for "testing" purposes. That's part of it, 
but as Jason said automation can reduce the need over time (though it's never 
going to be 100% so there's some value in testing). However, it is mostly for 
an opportunity to review changes. If we do "8 releases a day", then the chances 
of something undesirable slipping in that others might have noticed increases 
greatly. We've had things go into actual releases that can do bad things to the 
remote repo that we may need to live with forever, so it's not unthinkable that 
such things would be more common under more frequent releases. Sadly, I think 
the review aspect is frequently lost as people +1 releases they haven't looked 
at the code changes for, and sometimes haven't even tested.

I actually think frequent releases during alphas is less important than 
frequent releases after final (3.0.1, 3.0.2, etc). Those consuming the alphas 
are going to be much more bleeding edge and happy with nightlies / source code. 
We just need regular milestones for those that have come to depend on it like 
Archiva, or Tycho as Jason mentioned.

So, in summary - ain't broke, don't fix it :)

- Brett
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