
I have a question.

I dont know the Open Document Foundation. But maybe they work on it. I mean they forked from Oracle OpenOffice because they were frustrated that the errors were not fixed.

I personly do not know, but I would not be surprised if Apache Foundation as the successor to Oracle has not has such structures. I think classic way is within Apaches Foundation that they cooperate with one or more interst groups (free devlopers, communities, cooperations / Companies) that has an interest in development of the Product. With this method different Companies can cooperate in order to achieve their individual goals and save money with synergy. Can someone maybe enlight this point? Am I right?

So the question is which Structures does Apache Open Office offers to users?

Xen are you willing to pay a sum in order to get a fullfillment of your needs? - Or is it more important to you that the feature you need already exist?

(Maybe WPS is a good alternate to you then. I read in the german Linux magazin (I think latest edition) that they are pretty stable and quite good on working with docx.)

I believe Open Source as such has no Market interest. They exist as long as someone has the Code. Development is not the main focus.

All the best.


On 16.09.2016 13:40, Xen wrote:
Phillip Rhodes schreef op 08-09-2016 22:18:

So anyway, just wanted to seed this discussion and hopefully provoke some serious thinking around this. Let's think hard about what we want to be so
we can easily say "Why develop/use AOO instead of X?" type questions.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to voice my ideas again ;-).

I will keep it short this time.

I am a user who is disgrunted by both the features and stability of LibreOffice and probably also OpenOffice, since many features are the same. One important feature for me is a GOOD undo facility and both products don't have it, because they don't store, or merge, block level undo's resulting from typing. In mostly any editor I can go infinitely into the past as I undo stuff but in OO and LO it is limited to a few sentences at most.

Last time this happened I swore to never use LO again and started using Google Docs.

The only reason I am not using Microsoft Office (365) now is that there is no Linux variant of it.

Given these flaws and failings for me (and sometimes LO just crashes and takes your work with you and it is unrecoverable) and given the fact that I think OO looks outdated (on Linux), I would have ventured in the past that these were the most important things for me:

* I do not want to be exclusively dependent on the ODT format editors anymore - In Windows I have much better fonts available (or more of them) than in Linux - Even Google Docs just has much better fonts than Linux and it even has the Linux fonts, so there you ahve that.

* I would like AOO (or anything) to be a glue between the platforms. Cloud is becoming very important or is already so. Being able to reference documents on Google Drive can be important. Being able to reference documents on Microsoft OneDrive can be important.

- Google Docs natively saves.. or ehm, downloads, documents in .docx, but can also process .odt, I believe. So in order to stay relevant you must focus, for instance, on perfect interoperability between AOO and the .docx that result from Google Docs.

- Since there is no Microsoft Office client on Linux, and neither do they have an online editor, it becomes product to become that client to Microsoft OneDrive that can also edit or save in .docx format. Now there are a few meagre solutions for using OneDrive on Linux, but it is not much.

Suppose AOO had its own OneDrive client plugin? That you could use AOO to browse and modify, load and save, documents on OneDrive?

Just the same as that Microsoft Office would do, is what I mean. Just become cloud-ready. Just allow a person to save on OneDrive.

* Fix the OpenOffice looks (at least on Linux). That black hard shadow behind the "page" is not good enough anymore. Make sure it looks nice enough and start with that thick black border.

Google Docs works awesomely if a bit slow (due to the internet connection) and you can't do everything you can do in a regular editor (particularly positioning and such things) (and you can only choose a few font sizes) but in general (apart from not being able to actually manually really save stuff) the editing experience is much nice than either OpenOffice or LibreOffice. And it's just a new product, right.

It's not perfect but looks much better than anything else I've seen and you don't run the risk of losing your content, that I constantly have with LibreOffice/OO.

I have probably lost important court battles due to LibreOffice.

So I will say 3 things:

- fix the looks
- interoperate with OneDrive and Google Drive if possible (OneDrive more important) and ensure perfect compability with these formats - focus less on your own prominence as a True Alternative and become a slave, so to say, to the document formats used by the Big Two, (which are .docx and .odt) and just make sure your program can use these formats AND interface with the cloud storage that they use.

Then if you've got that settled you can eventually maybe migrate or move to your own cloud platform or provider or choice of providers so that you become like an IMAP client to IMAP servers, even being capable to copy documents in between, etc. Become the IMAP client for documents.

That's what I will say: become the IMAP "mail" client for documents, that can interface with various cloud platforms as you edit locally but can also save remotely.

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