On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Todd Zaki Warfel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Oh, oh, oh, I know—what we need is eye tracking with mind reading.
> Now, that's useful.

This is not too far fetched.

Jared is right: there is no 100% correlation between eye fixation and locus
of attention (or understanding what is being viewed). That can be solved
soon enough:

"The scientists used a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine -- a
real-time brain scanner -- to record the mental activity of a person looking
at thousands of random pictures: people, animals, landscapes, objects, the
stuff of everyday visual life. With those recordings the researchers built a
computational model for predicting the mental patterns elicited by looking
at any other photograph. When tested with neurological readouts generated by
a different set of pictures, the decoder passed with flying colors,
identifying the images seen with unprecedented accuracy. "

I assume the image of shopping cart would elicit different pattern from the
image of login field or the ad banner, since they have different meaning to
the website visitor.

Oleh Kovalchuke
Interaction Design is design of time
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