Robert, my years of experience have pointed only to one thing as being
effective at both proving the effectivness of any designer (coming in
at the beginning), and that's proof of past exerience and outcomes. 
This includes documentation of work and results in as much detail as
can be reviewed.

In this way it's completely removed from "claims" and simply
becomes a matter of "This is what I/we have done in similar,
related, and/or many different projects, conditions, and
timeframes."  This will always speak volumes beyond any claims or
words that can be used. I don't think it's ever about the designer
- it's about the portfolio - the documentation and sample iterative
work showing what has been done before.

If some designers feel more comfortable making their case (to
whomever - engineers in their own company, clients, management, etc.)
by standing behind their research, then I would say RED practitioners
live and die by their work making the case.

This is why it requires a designer to build up this kind of
experience over time.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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