The forum is one of the very special things about squeezeboxes. I own
(as I am sure nearly every computer owner does)  several Logitech
devices:  mice, keyboards, I have a Harmony remote and have set them up
for friends. y most recent purcahase was a pair of ultimate ears (great
product - very happy). Nearly all of these are class leaders, in my
opinion and that's why I chose them. Only the squeezeboxes have captured
my imagination, stimulated me to tinker with writing code for the first
time in 20 years and changed a fundamental part of life - how I listen
to and enjoy music and discover a new, previously undiscovered world of
internet radio. 
As Snarly has said in other postings the addictive nature of
squeezeboxes and their tendency to breed (both at my house and now my
girlfriends) is an unanticipated factor I never imagined when I first
read a sterophile review and then decided to test the water with a
The message board is a really important part of the experience. I am
surprised to find myself participating with a great deal of interest in
this community - I don't have an interest in joining other boards as i
find much of the discussion in such arenas banal or positively
unpleasant. Somehow the collective wisdom of the squeeze community makes
a difference to the whole ownership experience. The music forum has
pointed me to some excellent discoveries - from high res downloads,
internet radio stations I would never have discovered and new artists
that I would never have found with my old way of browsing CD stores. The
device forums have helped me discover the (sometimes) hidden
capabilities of the players - the investment in time here has paid back
many fold in terms of undertstanding the eco-system of ethernet, wi-fi,
players and audio hardware that has been created. The contributions from
the folks developing the software and hardware are not only helpful but
create a personality for the range - these are no longer consumer
products but things that real people have created and coded with a sense
of passion and commitment. That goes for the folks at Logitech and the
several plugin developers that contribute so actively here - and make
squeezboxes so unique.

The forum will never go away whilst there is this level of interest. We
just need to ensure that the sense of comunity remains. "Trolls" will
soon lose interest but those that try to positively help with the
community, ensure future product enhancements and ensure that when
Logitech bought this product line they also bought an incredible
opportunity to engage a very willing, bright group of folks who want to
ensure their product remains the absolute class leader in terms of
technical capability and innovative features. On their part, Logitech
can serve us best by ensuring the successful braoad commercialisation of
the squuezbox range and an enduring place in the consumer (and
audiophile/digiphile) market place.

I see a community very committed to that goal - as I am sure does
Logitech. Was it Sean who originally started the forums with the
original slim devices? This surely must have been one of the smartest
moves i have seen in terms of product innovation and a major win for
open-source computing (which in other areas I have not seen applied so
effectively in a public/private blend - perhaps others have and I am
missing them as well!)

Sorry for the long post.


Squeezcenter running on ACER R1600 Windows XP
Fileserver ReadyNAS Duo 
Main Listening Transporter / Controller
Kitchen : SB3 
Bedroom : Boom
Bath : SBRadio
Study: Duo
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