erland wrote: 
> Selling it for $300-$400 to someone who is not a DIY geek and doesn't
> own a Squeezebox already is going to be hard.
> I suspect you will be able to build it for less than $300, as I've
> understood it's just the case and power supply that's missing, but it
> will still be hard to sell it to someone who isn't owning a Squeezebox
> and isn't a DIY geek. They would prefer to get a used Squeezebox from
> eBay or just get a Sonos or one of the other alternatives available in
> their local store for similar price.

Recommending someone buy something isn't quite the same thing as
"selling" it.

>From the discussion, we're not talking what I'd call DIY any more. If it
relies on the existing LMS and its infrastructure, that part of the
setup is no different than Squeezebox, and while installation and setup
have never really been perfected, plenty of neophytes have gotten LMS up
and running with little instruction. The device itself would be
comparable to a Receiver, and with a web interface for network
configuration, it could arguably be even easier to set up.

> However, are we really targeting users who don't have a Squeezebox
> already ?

You keep using words like "targeting" and "sell".

Do you have commercial aspirations for this project?

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