Hi Everyone,

I have Logitech Media Server (7.9.3) running on a Linux server in the
I've got a SLIMP3 (original) in the kitchen, which splits the audio to
speakers in the kitchen and to an amp in the front room.
I've also got a Squeezebox (not sure if it's 1 or 2) in our bedroom.

The problem is that the family just don't use these devices any more!
They seem old, clunky, and they'd rather play Spotify on their phones.

I've tried to get Spotify working through the SLIMP3 and Squeezebox, but
it's only worked intermittently at best, and that's just not good

For the family, I think that Spotify is here to stay. That's where they
go for their music.
My wife also plays BBC radio a lot. She uses a crappy radio for that
because, again, my efforts to get it working on my current devices have
been intermittent at best.
I still tend to go to the system and find 'my music', but maybe that's
just because I haven't used Spotify much.

I'm tempted to give up on the Squeezeboxes, but I'm not sure what I'd
replace them with. I definitely don't want and 'smart (spying) speakers'
in the house. And we've got decent speakers. I just need something to
pick up the Spotify music from their phones (multiple different users)
and 'just work'. If I can keep the ability to play our own files, from
the server, then that's a bonus. However, I'm no longer particularly
attached to that. I don't play that much music myself, and when I do,
I'm at my computer. I can play what I want when I want. It's the family
use that I'm trying to sort.

What would you guys suggest?

Should I just get some Bluetooth speakers and bypass the audio system
that we've got?
Is the problem just down to old players? Would something like a Logitech
Squeezebox Touch stream Spotify, from different users, easily and with
close to 100% success?
Is the problem down to me, and even these old players should work?
Should I be buying some Rasberry Pi's, and cases for them, and
screens(?) and dotting those around that house?

And whichever solution you suggest, can you tell me how much money it's
going to cost.


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