cliveb wrote: 
> While the Polyvection players look decent value, I can't see how the
> price of the CORE32 server can be justified. Setting up piCorePlayer as
> a LMS server on a RPi really is child's play, and can be done for less
> than half the cost of a CORE32.
Out of curiousity,I got a CORE32 at launch price which was better value.
It sits there working, no maintenance, updates happen by themselves. As
a tinkerer, I am little annoyed it doesn;t have the latest updates and
worry what happens if Polyvection disappears - that said I have now
unused old Odroid and Cubie boards which suffered from similar issues.

It is a conservative solution for user who want absolutely nothing to
do.  Why do people pay for windowcleaners ? 
For someone who wants to set up an LMS system for an elderly
parent/relative - it probably provides "peace of mind" at a small once
off price. It is probably a  "long tail" solution for a small number of
users .

Polyvection may have got their business case a bit wrong before launch
(and/or chip shortage)  which resulted in the now higher price than they
first announced. They have included their own RTOS (for their own h/w
design) so that means some ongoing extra port/test costs and also may
explains few updates.  

It is good there is now a selection of very usable solutions available
for users - each of which has pros/cons : Polyvection, Max2play,
Picoreplayer, Raspbian, Windows etc.  The choice is the best for years -
especially when I remember the early attempts of a cheap LMS on the
NLSU2 (nicknamed Slug for a a good reason)

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