bpa wrote: 
> Out of curiousity,I got a CORE32 at launch price which was better value.
> It sits there working, no maintenance, updates happen by themselves
Pleased to hear you're happy with the CORE32.

My LMS runs on a Pi3. It sits there working, no maintenance, updates
don't happen at all because they don't need to happen. It's still
running piCorePlayer version 4.something, because it does what's
required, isn't broken and therefore doesn't need fixing. I've never
understood why people feel the need to constantly update perfectly
working systems.

PS. The Pi3 has more than enough grunt to run DRC. Peak CPU hits about
30% when new songs start, and once they're playing CPU usage is about 3%

Until recently: Transporter -> ATC SCM100A, now sold :-(
House move forced change to: piCorePlayer(RPi2/HiFiBerry DIGI2 Pro) ->
Meridian 218 -> Meridian M6
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